mental health and wellbeing
At Phoenix Infant Academy, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our entire school community: children, staff, parents and carers. We recognise that positive mental health and wellbeing is key to success and aim to ensure that our community is supported to fulfil their potential and access help when they need it.
Our Vision
To create a culture where mental health and emotional wellbeing is prioritised and valued, whilst promoting and respecting the cultural, spiritual and social diversity within our community.
Our Senior Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead is Vice Principal, Becky Austin.
Teaching about Mental Health
We take a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health to support children to become resilient and able to regulate emotions should problems arise. We deliver this via our curriculum, opportunities from external providers and through the Zones of Regulation.

A visit from The Fantastic Fred Experience
In addition to the above, if we feel a child needs further support, we have access to the following interventions and external agencies:
Intervention | An Overview |
The Emotional Literacy Support programme helps children with their emotional literacy and can be used to support emotional development, improve relationships and understanding of challenging situations. Please look at our Parent Flyer below for more information. |
Lego Club |
Lego Club supports children who struggle with friendships, turn taking and sharing. The intervention uses key roles to develop children’s understanding of these areas. Please look at our Parent Flyer below for more information. |
SEBDOS | Phoenix Infants buys into SEBDOS (Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Outreach Service), who work with children individually, in groups or whole class. They offer bespoke intervention depending on the needs of the child/children. SEBDOS can also provide training and advice for staff. |
CAMHS | For children with more significant needs, it might be necessary to make a referral to CAMHS. For older children we also work with the Getting Help Team. |
EP | For children with more significant needs, it might be necessary for an Educational Psychologist to observe them. An EP can offer individualised recommendations to support a child’s mental well-being. |
Zones of Regulation:
Zones of Regulation provides children with the emotional literacy they require to identify and share their feelings. The approach is one of acceptance and recognition; it is not ‘wrong’ to feel a particular way or find yourself in any one of the zones; rather the focus rests on how children regulate themselves in response to an emotion.
When entering the classroom in the morning and after lunchtime, children are prompted to put their named stick into a coloured pot depending on how they are feeling. If children are feeling anxious, upset or frustrated, they can spend 5 minutes in the Self-Regulation Zone. After this time, a restorative conversation takes place between them and a trusted adult, and they are encouraged to participate in the whole class activity.
Digital Wellbeing
Digital wellbeing is the impact different technologies have on our mental, emotional and sometimes physical wellbeing.
In an ever-evolving and modern society, children have access to a range of technology. However, it is paramount that children are taught to use it safely, appropriately and in moderation.
To promote Digital Wellbeing, we:
- Work in partnership with parents through parent workshops and discussing any concerns
- Show parents how to set parental controls on devices
- Have website restrictions in school
- Teach Online Safety as part of PSHE
Staff Wellbeing
At Phoenix Infants, staff wellbeing is a priority and viewed as a fundamental factor in creating a happy and successful school - for everyone.
To ensure this success, we:
- Conduct regular staff surveys and respond accordingly to any ideas or issues raised;
- Arrange ‘treats’ for staff; these have included a Spa Day (see right), ice cream treats etc;
- Normalise discussions surrounding mental health; for example, in our weekly Whole Staff Briefing where 'Well-being' is a standing item, regular 1-1 well-being meetings; and communicate avenues open to staff should they feel they need further support;
- Ensure staff have access to advice and counselling support through the Employee Assistance Programme (Health Assured), amongst other medical services;
- Prioritise work-life balance and regularly review ways to keep work-related stress and/or pressures to a minimum. This includes removing our marking 'policy' and replacing with 'guidance';
- Provide targeted CPD; for example, the Mind E-Course;
- Talk. Regularly (as briefly mentioned above.) During staff's half termly 1:1 meetings, they are able to discuss their mental wellness in line with the PERMA theory of happiness model.