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Phoenix Infant Academy

Year 1

Autumn 1: HUmans

NC Objectives

Sessions / Key Knowledge and Vocabulary

Working Scientifically

Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense


  • Identify the main parts of the human body (including ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hands, head, neck, arms, elbows, legs, knees, face, teeth)
  • Label these parts
  • Understand that body parts are in proportion and draw these
  • Know that each body part is associated with a sense
  • Understand that we have the same body parts, but different opinions e.g. favourite foods (link to senses) – link to investigation (see right)
  • Investigate the class’ favourite foods:
  • Ask questions to ascertain what pupils’ favourite foods are
  • Create a tally chart to record the data
  • Record final findings in a pictogram
  • Talk about what they have found out and why

Autumn 2

NC Objectives

Sessions / Key Knowledge and Vocabulary

Working Scientifically

Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock


Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made


Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials


Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

  • Understand that the term ‘material’ means what an object is made from.
  • Identify a range of everyday materials including wood, plastic, glass, metal, rock and water.  (Have examples of these materials to hold rather than objects made from these materials) 
  • Understand that all objects are made from 1 or more materials.  Name and label the material some everyday object are made from
  • Understand that the words used to describe the materials that objects are made from are called ‘properties
  • Understand what some materials look and feel like.  Describe the properties of a variety of everyday materials including words including hard, soft, stretchy, stiff, shiny, dull, rough, smooth, bendy, not bendy, waterproof, not waterproof, absorbent, not absorbent, opaque and transparent. Link to investigation (see right)
  • Investigate whether some objects are waterproof or not:
  • Use their understanding of the properties of materials to predict whether they are waterproof or not
  • Sort and group the objects
  • Use equipment to test whether they are waterproof or not
  • Record findings in a table
  • Talk about what they have found out and why

Spring 1

NC Objectives

Sessions / Key Knowledge and Vocabulary

Working Scientifically

Observe changes across the four seasons


Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies


  • Know that there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter
  • Know which months are in each season
  • Observe changes from winter to spring by looking at trees and the differences in the clothes we wear
  • Know that day length varies across the four seasons
  • Understand that the Sun is in different parts of the sky at different times of the day and at different times of the year (link to 1st investigation, see right)
  • Understand that longer days usually result in hotter temperatures/days
  • Talk about weather variation in different parts of the world (link to 2nd investigation, see right)
  • Investigate how shadows change throughout the day:
  • Predict what a shadow may look like in the morning, at midday and late afternoon
  • Record these predictions by drawing
  • Observe and measure the length of their shadow at the 3 different times of the day
  • Record by drawing
  • Talk about what they have found out and why


  • Investigate rainfall:
  • Make a rain gauge
  • Collect rain across 1 week
  • Observe during that time, discussing why
  • Record data in a bar graph
  • Talk about what they have found out and why

Spring 2

NC Objectives

Sessions / Key Knowledge and Vocabulary

Working Scientifically

Identify and name a variety of common animals including, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals


Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores


Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)

  • Know that there are many different types of animals
  • Know that some animals live in water, some live on land and some fly in the sky – Link to investigation (see right)
  • Understand animals can be grouped into the following categories according to their features: birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates (see below) – NB: You may wish to ask chn to sort animals and then discuss what criteria they used before explaining the actual criteria
  • Know that amphibians are cold blooded animals that live in water and also on land. They lay eggs underwater
  • Mammals are warm blooded animals that give birth to live young
  • Name a variety of animals within each of the aforementioned groups
  • Know that we can also group animals according to what they eat: carnivores; herbivores; and omnivores and name a variety of animals within each group (link to Year 2’s spring 1 ‘All Living Things and Their Habitats’ strand)
  • Know that animals that eat other animals are called carnivores
  • Know that animals that eat plants are called herbivores
  • Know that animals that eat both plants and other animals are called omnivores
  • Know that some animals are suitable for keeping as pets but some are not
  • Know that pets need food, water, space, shelter and medicine
  • Know that animals that are not pets are known as wild animals
  • Investigate why some animals live where they do:
  • Identify some animals that live in the following places: land and water
  • Research characteristics of each animal
  • Notice any patterns between those that live on land and those that live in water
  • Record their findings
  • Talk about what they have found out and why

Summer 1

NC Objectives

Sessions / Key Knowledge and Vocabulary

Working Scientifically

Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees


Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees


  • Know the basic parts of a plant: flower/petal, leaf, stem, roots, bulb, seed – link to 1st investigation (see right)
  • Know the basic parts of a tree: trunk, bark, twigs, branch, blossom
  • Know that the basic parts have the following respective functions: Attracts insects and birds, catches sunlight to make energy/food, holds the plant up and soaks up water and food/nutrients – link to 2nd investigation (see right)
  • Know that deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn and evergreen trees keep most of their leaves all year round
  • Know that deciduous trees are mostly broadleaf trees with broad/wide, flat leaves
  • Know that evergreen trees mostly have pine-like/thin leaves
  • Identify and name common wild and garden plants/trees: daffodil, tulip, lavender, rosemary, daisy, dandelion, buttercup, poppy, oak, holly, pine
  • Investigate the parts of a common flowering plant and its uses:
  • Dissect the parts of a lily using equipment including tweezers and scissors
  • Identify the different parts using a magnifying glass
  • Record by drawing


  • Investigate the function of a stem:
  • Place a white flowering plant into clear water
  • Predict what will happen if food colouring is added
  • Observe and record by drawing
  • Talk about what they have found out and why

Summer 2

(under review)