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Phoenix Infant Academy

Joining us 

If you are a resident of Slough Borough Council and you have a child whose date of birth is on or between 1 September 2019 - 31 August 2020, then you will be required to apply for a primary school place for the 2024-2025 academic year. Admissions applications can be made from 1st September 2023 up until the 15th January 2024. You must only apply through Slough Borough Council if you are a Slough Borough Council resident. Please click here for a link to the Slough admissions team website.

If you are not a resident of Slough Borough Council you will need to apply through your Home Authority. You will still be able to apply for Slough Borough Council schools through your home Authority.

General Admission

You are required to advise Slough Borough Council admissions if you require a place in one of the Borough's maintained schools.

Admission into Phoenix Infant Academy is allocated in accordance with, and by, Slough Borough Council who can be contacted in the following ways:

Tuesday and Thursday Visits to My Council (Landmark  Place, High St., Slough) 10.00am - 5.30pm

Wednesday and Friday By telephoning 01753 875728 from 10.00am-5.30pm