Any worries?
If you have a concern, please speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved, please arrange a meeting to talk to the appropriate Year Lead:
- Reception: Miss G. Tait
- Year 1: Mrs S Hester
- Year 2: Miss S Tranmer
Please contact the school office on 01753 521888 to make an appointment or send them a message via Class Dojo.
If the issue is still not resolved, please make an appointment to see one of our Vice Principals, Miss Austin or Mr Bowskill. If the issue is still not resolved then please make an appointment with the Principal, Miss A Jarrett. The office staff will be able to arrange an appointment for you at a mutually agreeable time.
If you are not satisfied with the response, you can make a formal complaint in writing to the Principal who will follow the school's Complaints Policy in detail.
You can find our Complaints Policy here.