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Phoenix Infant Academy


Here are some websites you can access to support mathematics at home.


All children have access to RMeasimaths.  Please use their Purple Mash log in details.  Please send us an email if you do not have the log in details. 

Image result for easimaths

Maths with parents

We are fortunate to be able to give everyone access to the Maths with Parents homework programme that we have been using successfully in Year 1 since September!  Click on the icon below to access the website.  Please send us an email if you do not have the activation code. 

Image result for maths with parents

Mathematics Mastery

Mathematics Mastery is the programme we follow in school, and they have developed a range of free online resources sorted by year group which break down concepts. They also then give short and practical ideas for how to work on these skills together at home.



Topmarks have a range of games children can play to support mathematical learning.  We love "Hit The Button" .  Click on the icon below to access this page. 

Image result for topmarks maths

Please see Year 1 and Year 2 home learning pages for specific resources