Video production by J motion
Thank you @singinghands for delivering fantastic workshops across the school! The children absolutely loved it, one child described it as “epic!” We hope to welcome you back very soon #makaton #inclusion
The last few weeks have been very busy! Reception’s nativity, carol services in Y1 and 2, The Nest’s Christmas Show, Christmas lunch and so much more! Wishing our families and staff a very happy Christmas and happy new year.
The School Council and Miss Austin took money and food donations to the @Sloughfoodbank We raised £218 and had 5 crates of food. Thank you to our families and staff for their enormous generosity
Thank you Iver Environment Centre for a fantastic visit, we have learnt a lot; local wildlife, their habitats, local trees and much more . One child said “it’s my favourite trip because it’s so interesting.” #educationalvisit
On Wednesday, we celebrated , a national event run by Speech and Language UK. The children had a great day learning new ways to communicate their learning and knowledge. #nopensday